Friday, September 18, 2009

Republican Radicals

I was reading an article on the politico website, entitled Conservatives use Liberal playbook, which describes how GOP lobbyists and demonstrators are using parodies of both old and new anti-government slogans. I find it terribly amusing that Conservative political tactics are using a combination of Weird Al's comedic wit and the sheer unoriginality of cristian rock. What I mean is that Conservatives have begun to use "hippy tactics" to get their way.
However, the right wing hasn't stoped with only slogans on picket signs, they have also embraced revolutionary symbology. A recent protest rally in Washington D.C. was advertised using a sign reminiscent to both communist propaganda fliers and Black Panther posters from the nineteen-sixties.
They have even started to use a popular dissident text, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", first published in 1971. I believe this is strong evidence that at least one of the current two dominant political parties in our country is starting to break down. The GOP is headed for collapse, as all organisations eventually must. The real questions are who is going to stand in the power vacuum left behind, and more importantly, whats the best way to make some money off of them?